How does the sort order work on listing coupons?

How does the sort order work on listing coupons?

By default, it set based on Priority in Descending order.
We can set the sort by and order using the following configurations under the Store ⟶ Configuration ⟶ Magediary ⟶ Coupon Codes Assistant ⟶ Sorting Options
  1. Sort By
    1. Reference options are:
      1. Rule Id
      2. Coupon Code Name
      3. Rule Name
      4. Rule Description
      5. Start Date
      6. Expiration Date
      7. Uses per Coupon
      8. Uses per Customer
      9. Priority
    2. Reference guide:
  2. Sort Order
    1. Available options are:
      1. Ascending
      2. Descending
    2. Reference guide: