Yes, we can configure the following fields under the Qty Range tab section. Product Qty From: set the starting qty Product Qty To: set the ending qty This label will be displayed to products that a minimum available qty 100. Product Qty From: 100 ...
Yes, we can configure the following fields under the Sale Price Range tab section. Price From: set the starting price Price To: set the ending price The label will be displayed to products that have a sale price greater or equal 100. Price From: 100 ...
We can set the following date fields under the Label Information tab. From: set the from date. Leave blank to skip this condition. To: set the to date. Leave blank to skip this condition. For example, From: 01/01/2021, To: blank The label will show ...
Yes, we can configure the following fields under the Ordered Range tab section. Min Ordered: minimum ordered qty Purchase From Date: from the date Purchase To Date: to the date This label will be displayed to products that minimum sold 25 qty. Min ...